TPM in Torino (Pianezza), Italy

On 3rd and 4th of July 2023, the fourth meeting of the Erasmus+ FINGO project took place, hosted by the partner IST ONLUS, Torino, Italy. The management meeting subjects discussed according to the agenda:

1.the presentation of the general situation of the project, products, financial, dissemination, evaluation;
2.status of the product PR 3, "Collection of stories of successful personal financial management for students with special needs" extension by IST and CIP partners;
3.status of the product 4 creation "I am a financially successful person - guidelines, workshops and exhibition", presentation of products and platform for exhibition, procedure;
4.setting final deadlines for products;
5.reports, evaluation documents, dissemination and management;
6.multiplication events-ME that will follow in September;



Local pilotings - ”I am a financially successful person”- PR4

 ”I am a financially successful person” - guidelines for financial and entrepreneurial skills workshops and exhibition based on real case simulation techniques for special needs students.

How to create a startup?
In May 2023, in all, 315 students participated in the workshops designed under the guidelines of product number 4.
They have been put in real situations of creating a startup business following the basic steps recommended.







TPM in Reus, Spain

On 19th and 20th of January 2023, the third meeting of the Erasmus+ FINGO project took place, hosted by the partner Dom Spain, from Reus, Spain.

The management meeting involved the presentation of the general situation of the project, clarifications for the product PR3, "Collection of stories of successful personal financial management for students with special needs", planning the realization of the product PR4 "I am a financially successful person - guidelines, workshops and exhibition ", setting deadlines for products, setting the Turin meeting period in July, the last TPM of the project, checks on evaluation documents, dissemination and management. Thanks to the hosts and partners for their efficiency and preparation of the meeting.


End of first project year

Many thanks to all partners and collaborators for a successful first project year.
The Erasmus+ project "Cross-curricular collaboration to improve students' financial skills using games" – FINGO, 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000032584, 2021-2023 implemented together with partners from Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Romania, Cyprus and Turkey, has completed the activities planned for the first year.
The Kick Off Meeting at Special Technological High School "Vasile Pavelcu, Iasi, Romania and the managemnt meeting TPM at Konya Il Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Iletişim, Turkey as well as other online organizational meetings were held in this period. The teaching-learning-training activity C1 has took place at the organization "Citizens in Power" Nicosia, Cyprus where the seven modules within the final product "Financial literacy skills using games" were piloted, the content of the elaborated curriculum being thus tested internationally in practical activity. Subsequently, each partner organized the local piloting with interested specialists. Following the piloting of the project products, with a significant playful and visual character, PR1 "Financial education skills using games - training curriculum for students with special needs" and PR2 "Financial education skills using games for students with special needs - training materials" have been improved and can be consulted in final form on the project website but also on partners’ websites.
Currently, the partners develop the PR3 product, a manual with best practices and stories about successful personal financial management for students with special needs. Stories of successful practices will be collected from the media, from social networks among personalities, people with hearing or other disabilities. Each partner will develop three such stories involving typical and mostly special needs persons and present them in a visually attractive and creative manner, also having an important motivational role for the readers. These may also include short videos or podcasts.
For more details:
Vasile Pavelcu Special Technology High School, Romania,
Telšių kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų draugija
Istituto dei Sordi di Torino
Demetrius Association, Romania
Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
C.I.P. Citizens In Power, Cyprus

Links for project results: PR1-curriculum and PR2 -content

 PR1: Links to access project result 1 
”Financial literacy skills using games”- Curriculum development for special needs students: 

Türkçe PR1: ”Özel gereksinimli öğrenciler için oyun kullanma Finansal Okuryazarlık Becerileri - EĞİTİM MÜFREATI Yüzyüze ve bireyselleştirimiş

PR2: Links to access project result 2 
"Financial literacy skills using games for special needs students"-training materials:

C1-Learning-teaching-training activity in Nicosia

 Between 6-8.09.2022, the C1 learning-teaching-training activity took place in Nicosia, Cyprus. 

The seven modules within the final product "Financial literacy skills using games" were piloted, the content of the curriculum developed being thus tested internationally in practice. The activities carried out had a strong playful and visual character, and in the following weeks each partner will carry out the piloting activity at local level with at least 10 teachers / specialized personnel. The observations during the two piloting activities are considered in order to improve the final form of the curriculum that will be available in English but also in the national languages of each partner.


First TPM meeting, Konya, Turkey

Within the #Erasmus+ project "Inter-curricular collaboration to improve students' financial skills using games" – FINGO, which is implemented together with partners from Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Romania, Cyprus and Turkey on 4-5.07.2022, the first TPM1 transnational meeting was held in #Konya, Turkey. There were presented and discussed the situation of the project products PR1, PR2 "#Financialliteracy skills using games" regarding the curriculum adapted for financial education and its contents, necessary changes, translation and establishment of the way of working for PR3 on the realization of the material "Best practices and stories collection of successful personal financial management for special needs students". The collection of success stories will be extremely useful by incorporating a variety of examples of successful cases in the field, with a strong motivational, supportive impact for readers, including special needs students. The course will be piloted locally and internationally in September. The final resulting materials translated into the national language of each partner, but also in English will be available as an open resource for anyone interested.

Kick off meeting Iasi, Romania

Between February 3-4, 2022, at the "Vasile Pavelcu" Special Technological High School in Iasi, the first planned meeting of the project took place, aimed at establishing the essential milestones for the realization of the first two products of the project, "Development of financial skills using games in special schools" – curriculum development that is also accessible to students with disabilities (including hearing disabled) and development of course materials including a piloting phase. 

Also, in accordance with the project data and the stages established in the online organizational meeting that took place on 05.01.2022, the progress of the project was analysed and the deadlines for various activities were recalculated, as well as the dates of the next project meetings.