About the project:
Newsletters and communicates:
Newsletter 4:
The FINGO project's Multiplication Events took place in September and October of 2023 in each country, getting closer to the end of the project. The number of participants was exceeded, being over 300, and the feedback was more than positive.
The content materials produced, the games and practical activities suggested have a strong supportive role in helping to learn basic concepts of Financial Literacy/ Entrepreneurship by any student and can be used in various educational contexts by different teachers of Economics, Entrepreneurship, support, English or national language; guidance personnel; school psychologists/counselors and so on.
All of the four results have been checked by the very diverse participants and are free to be used as needed by anyone interested.
Newsletter 3:
Newsletter 2:
On the 5th of May 2022, the second management meeting of the project took place online.
1.PR2 Curriculum- content product status and the remaining steps until its completion: minor corrections, external evaluation, translation, and piloting the course.
2. Brief presentation of the requirements for creating the PR3 product “Best practices and stories...”.
3. Deadlines for the completion of the mentioned products.
4. Financial details regarding the translation of materials - exceptional costs.
5. Reporting for the first 6 months of the project.
6. Details for the TPM in Konya, Turkey on 4-5th of July 2022.
Target group
Kick-off meeting
Presentation and dissemination of FINGO project objectives and activities to 67 students, grades 9th to 12th, at ”Vasile Pavelcu Special Technological High School”.
Between February 3-4, 2022, at the "Vasile Pavelcu" Special Technological High School in Iasi, the first planned meeting of the project took place, which aimed at establishing the essential milestones for the realization of the first two products of the project, "Development of financial skills using games in special schools" – curriculum development that is accessible to students with disabilities and development of materials for the course including a piloting phase. Also, in accordance with the project data and the stages established in the online management meeting on 05.01.2022, the progress of the project was analyzed and the deadlines for various activities were recalculated, as well as the dates of the next project meetings.
Links for press releases: